
New Central Academy Senior Secondary School was established in 1999 by Mr. Umesh Chandra Saxena, dedicated and inspired personality, had an inherit desire to serve the noble cause of good education. The school opened its door first time in 1999 (from Nur to V) under the guidance of Mrs. Mamta Saxena (Founder, Principal) who is a born leader and gifted orator and within a short span of time, due to her sheer hard work, dedication and devotion it has risen to the level of Senior Secondary.


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Message from the Principal

�Education has broadly two main objectives, first to impart certain skills, from reading and writing upwards and secondly to make people fit to be citizens as what sculpture is to block of marble, education is to human soul�
Education helps in disciplining our reasoning and emotions. In determining the Personality of a person, education plays an indispensable role.


  • The purpose of education is to develop in each individual the knowledge, interest, ideals, habits and attitudes whereby he will find his place and use that place to shape himself and society towards noble ends.
  • Give more time to improvement of yourself then there will be no time to criticise others
Try not to become a man of success, but to become a man of values.
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